Frame Straightening
Frame Bent? Unsure? ... (Why Guess?)
KP Motorcycles Is A Motoliner Frame Straightening Centre

We provide motorcycle frame straightening and alignment to all kinds of motorcycle By using our specialist "Motoliner" frame straightening jig we insert the stripped down motorcycle.
We then take exact measurements of the motorcycle frame and compare them to our intensive list.
Next operation is to either "push" or "pull" the frame using hydraulic rams.
This method is repeated as necessary, to give the right measurements. The motorcycle is then taken out of our jig and checked once more. This makes sure that we are absolutely sure that the alignment is correct.
To undergo frame straightening the motorcycle has to be stripped down.
We require the motorcycle is a certain state, which is all the farings stripped off, all plastics around the chassis area, the fuel tank and the whole exhaust system has to be taken off.
All that is left is a rolling chassis, with the engine left in.